Saturday, 27 June 2015

Shadows of Brimstone Quest.


We have played quite a bit of Shadows of Brimstone now (Posse level 4) and the cracks are really starting to show; this thing is creaking at the seams. It appears to me that this games was not tested past a certain posse level as the game really does not scale... at all!

Anyway, its still a fun game with a great theme and I wanted to attempt to fix the issues we have with it, thus Shadows of Brimstone Quest was born. This variant takes ideas from Warhammer Quest and a few of my own to try to spice the game up a bit.

It has yet to be playtested to any degree; we will be doing that soon. And if a variant cannot save it, then its probably dead...

Here it is:

1.      Fights not deadly enough -> more monsters per encounter, fewer overall encounters.
2.      Games can drag due to random nature -> WHQ style objective room system.

Building the Map Deck
There is no world hopping – use 1 map deck for the mission (if it is a mission to an Other World, start on that Other World start tile, Ignoring any rule that states to find a gate).
Decide on the objective room (either dictated by quest rules or fluff).
Take 3 map cards and the Objective Room card, shuffle them together.
Deal a further 4 cards on top of this first pile.
This creates a pile of 8 cards, where the objective room is between 5 and 8; this gives a definite end.

Posse Track
This is now a turn timer – advance it at the start of each turn.
If it ever reaches the Darkness start space, then add a Growing Dread card to the stack.

Exploration Tokens
Ambush – monsters get a Free Attack as they spawn, and then use initiative as normal in the first round.
Clue Icon – draw a Darkness card.
Gate – (add a door icon to this token also) draw a single room card for an Other World (discard corridors and redraw) and draw 2 exploration tokens; if the room is cleared then everyone in the posse may draw a Gear card.

Rooms and Monsters
Rooms always contain monsters; draw a monster card as if it was an attack, in addition to anything on the exploration token. Do not use this rule for the first game.

Boss Health
Extra Large monsters have double the listed health.

Quest adjustments
Due to map deck and exploration token changes, some quests need adjustment:

Basic Missions
For a Few Darkstone More – add 1 map card for a medium deposit and 2 map cards for a large deposit (added to the further cards dealt on top).
Exploration – do not use an objective room. Split the 8 card Map Deck into 2 piles and place each pile next to each T-Junction exit. Reveal Map cards only from the path taken. Ignore the Limited Doors rule. A Dead End Showdown happens at the last Map Card for each pile.
Seal the Void Gate – the first room reached is the location of The First Clue objective.
Search Party – as these rules.
Escape – use the removed Cross Path map card to represent a Mine Entrance map card. Place this card and 3 other random cards in 4 piles, then deal 2 more random map cards on top of those piles. Place a pile next to each exit from the Cross Path. Heroes must reach this card to Find the Mine Entrance (instead of the 2D6 roll stated). The Surrounded by Darkness rule does not move the posse marker.
Blow the Mine – as Exploration, above.

City of the Ancients missions
Terror in the Night – ignore the Trail of Clues rule.
Stop the Ritual – as written in the book.
Last Stand – as written in the book.
City of the Ancients – as these rules.
Overload – ignore the No Gates rule.
Frozen Expedition – ignore the Mission Goal rule regarding Clue Icons and replace with the following; “to find Journal Pages the posse must Scavenge for them, each successful scavenge roll also finds a journal page. If the Posse reach the Objective room with missing pages, then these pages are in the Objective room. For every page in the Objective room, draw and resolve a Growing Dread card.”

Swamps of Death missions
Night of the Dead – the Objective room contains any additional Corpse Piles needed to fulfil the mission.
Seal the Hell Pitt – as written in the book.
The Lost Journal – as written in the book.
Swamps of Death – as these rules.
Cursed Idol – as these rules.
Temple of Dread – use the Ribs room as the objective room (causeway to the temple).