Part the Fourth, The Undead come!
The characters were tasked with bringing the news of the death to the dwarf miners at Gimbrin's mine (and they needed to see Bardak about burial mounds anyway).
Upon reaching the mine, darkness had begun to fall and they were challenged by dwarf guards and eventually led to the hall to see Gimbrin himself.
Gimbrin listened to the warning and seemed somewhat concerned about the idea of undead and though it best to summon the Loremaster, Bardak.
Bardak was an especially old dwarf that had seen and learnt a lot over the nearly 3 centuries of his life. He listened to the story about the undead and recalled that there were burial mounds of a certain group of notorious bandits in the area that were cold killers and were hunted down by the Duc de Parravon and his knights, many years ago. He thought that the mounds were all near the top of the valley and that they could investigate there.
However, the conversation was cut short by a shouted warning from the guards - the undead had arrived! Rushing out into the knight they could see about a dozen skeleton horsemen carrying burning torches and riding up the valley to the mine. They were led by Didier Cousteau; as skilled a leader in death as he was in life.
The dwarfs quickly organised, grabbed weapons (pick axes and some crossbows) and headed across the stone bridge to defend that choke point and reduce the horses effectiveness. The horsemen made for the dwarf huts and set them on fire, while others made for the mule pen to kill them and stop any quick escape.
Jurgen and the crossbowmen defended the pen and managed to hold off the attackers for some time, while Didier attempted to cross the bridge. The dwarfs held and made the skeletons pay for every step. It seemed like the dwarfs were going to win the fight until Didier, eyes glowing balefire, started to resurrect the undead - he had been given some necromantic powers over his soldiers!
The Dwarfs despaired, and began to give ground, but Heinfried saw what needed to be done and, while Jules covered him with his bow and Drokdrin carved a path for him, Heinfried made straight for Didier.
It was a desperate battle, but the characters eventually triumphed!
To the Farm
The dwarfs gathered what was left of their possessions and started to make for Fruegelhofen to stand with their neighbours against this threat. On the way they saw that one of the 2 outlying farms was in flames and everyone feared for the other farm. The characters headed there as quickly as they could and the dwarfs continued to the village.
The farm was remote, but surrounded by good earth. As the characters approached, the large hunting dog started to bark loudly and everyone filed out of the house to greet their arrivals, led by Emmerich, the ex-mercenary come farmer.
Inside the house the events were retold and it was suggested they all head for Fruegelhofen. However, the plan was interupted by more barking from outside and, looking out, they could see the undead had already arrived.
About 15 skeletons could be seen heading up the track in their ancient armour and, marching at the head of the band was Bettino Taglielli; a brutal leader famed for his ferocity in life.
The occupants quickly barricaded the house as best they could while the undead surrounded the house.
A desparate battle ensued where the undead were trying to force their way in through windows and break down barricaded doors. Eventually, they forced their way in and everyone fought as best they could in the house. A joint effort, by the characters and Fleck, the hunting dog, eventually defeated Bettino and ended the fight with a few injuries but no deaths.
For the second time that night, refugees gathered what few possessions they had and made their way quickly to Fruegelhofen.
See you in the next update.