So, we started playing Gloomhaven. These posts will be used for my group to keep track of the story progress as there seems to be a lot going on.
There will be spoilers if you have not played - be warned!
Lets get right to it.
The World of Gloomhaven
Gloomhaven is a new city in some uncharted territory where adventurers, mercenaries, freebooters and misfits of all stripes come to make their fortune. You play one of these such folk who, though out for themselves, recognise that working in a small band is the best way to get opportunities.
Inox Brute |
The Sleeping Lion Inn
The four misfits consisted of a Human Scoundrel, an Inox Brute, a Saavas Cragheart and a Quatryl Tinkerer. All were nursing a mug of ale and wondering how they were going to make some cash.
We were just the right sort of desperate ner'do'wells that an enterprising sort could take advantage of...
Quatryl Tinkerer |
Savaas Cragheart |
Human Scoundrel |
Jekserah and her Inox Bodyguard |
The Patron
They were approached by Jekserah, a Valrath merchant woman and her 2 Inox bodyguards. She had a job that needed four expendable idiots to retrieve some documents stolen from her by a group of Bandits.
The Black Barrow
a Bandit |
The misfits, calling themselves Gloomhaven Four Security (G4S), shook down some scum and found that the thief and his men had set up base in the ominously titled Black Barrow.
After fighting through swaths of bandits they never found the thief, but they did find a way deeper into the barrow, to the Barrow Lair.
They also found a map in a chest pointing to a large ancient tree in the south. The Inox Brute had heard tell of the Vibrant Tree on the Toxic Moor in the Lingering Swamp, it is sacred to the Inox. Sounds like a great holiday destination.
The Barrow Lair
Bandit Commander |
Encountering a few archers which were easily dispatched, they kicked the door in to find the thief; a large bear of a man, armed to the teeth and the mysterious ability to raise the dead. Great.
The Bandit Commander preceded to call on the rotten remains in the tombs with whatever black magic he possessed.
G4S fought their way through and the bandit leader was cut down before he could summon more dead men to overwhelm us.
The documents they needed were snatched from the leader's corpse. Most were in a language that cannot be read but there were ominous drawings of corpses with magic sigils in them; these 'documents' looked more like magic scrolls. There is also a map of the countryside and a location marked as Crypt of the Dammed to the north, that may as well of been labelled 'source of evil power'...
Before more bandits (or worse) arrived, a hasty retreat was made, back to Gloomhaven and their reward from a pleased Jekserah.
She had another job (it appears the expendable idiots might have some use). This time, some Inox had been raiding her caravans; she wanted them sorting. They dwelt in an Inox Encampment in the forest to the west.
The Urchin |
Later in the market they met some guards harassing an urchin and decided to step in with 'do you know who we are!'. The guards did not know who they were and made them pay the kid's fine; oh well, maybe the kid will prove useful at some point...
Current Opportunities
Toxic Moor - dungeon map
Crypt of the Damned - learn more about the power of Gloom
Inox Encampment - raiding Jekserah's caravans
See you in the next update.