We finished the WFRP Lichemaster revisit game, I just never got around to writing the rest up (we had a great time). And then Kingdom Death happened... which will have to be a post in and of itself because Oh My God is that game worth the wait and the price of admission!
Anyway, on with the point of this post. For the last year I have been painting Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King kick-starter stuff for a commission. I have the game myself and... its... not great. But, there is a fan project called Lootimeter Mode (google it) that makes the game great again.
As I said, it has taken me a year to do this project, which is 6 months longer than I intended. But Life happens and for much f the past 10 months I have really not had much time to paint as I usually would. Things are settling down now though and I have been painting again the last couple of weeks.
But my friend across the pond has waited plenty enough, so on with some pics!
First, the Kodama (plants).
I really like these models and they were the first ones I painted (way back in the mists of time, now).
I airbrushed the base colours first (especially for the leaf tips) and then painted with a brush.
Some close ups follow.
I like the way these Mooks turned out and the blending with the airbrush, though fairly simple, is effective n these. I did their shields like bits of carrot top, it seemed more appropriate than wood and it fits in the the next ones...
The Turnipheads are actually holding big carrots. I originally painted them to have turnips but it did not look right with the rest of the colour scheme, so I changed it. I like them with carrots because the thing looks a lot more like a carrot than a turnip (which is round). But I suppose 'Parsniphead' does not sound as good.
I actually really like the colours on these wisps; I went for a lighter shade for their 'skin' than on the artwork. They are great models with my only criticism being that the 'hair' leaves are moulded a little bit flat (it all wild and sticking up in the art).
The Old Growth Hallow spawning points. I followed the colours on the art but did not really do any object-source lighting on them like in the art because a) I don't think it looks right with SDEs 'cartoon' look and b) I would probably mess it up...
FEED ME, SEYMOUR! The inspiration for Sprout and King Sprout is clear. I tried to make Sprout fairly mundane and with muted colours so that when King Sprout hits the board the contrast is sharp and he looks dangerous (he is). I did tie them together with the colour of the body and the blue roots.
Finally we have Trent, the Kodama miniboss. I painted him so that the green of his eyes and mouth stand out the most, followed by the brambles around him. The photo does not quite capture the colours, but the moss is a different shade of purple 'in the flesh'. The purple wood ties into the spawning points.
And there are the Kodama warband, the first of the core box warbands.
Next will be the Chimera.
See you in next update (which will be in about an hour or two, as I have everything painted...)
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