Tuesday 6 May 2014

The obligatory 'favourites' post...

Actually, thats a bit of a lie.

I have not posted for a while AND I decided to test the blogger app on my mobile (so if this ends up badly edited, thats the reason - its a bare bones application, to be fair). So, this is a 'what I am currently playing' post (current favorites, if you will).

Anyway, on with the first game. 

We are currently playing Pathfinder RPG card game a fair bit in the 3 weeks since we started; I think we have played around 10 adventures. I like it (not love it) a fair bit. Lets call a spade a spade; this is NOT an RPG. Its a character driven exploration/tactics card game that uses dice - there is no roleplaying here at all. However, it taps into something primal; the insatiable gathering of PHAT LEWTS! Yep, you collect incrementally better cards for your character deck. Thats the hook. Nothing more, nothing less. And it is addictive.
Tsuro of the seas is a successor to Tsuro. Its basically a tile laying puzzle game  with a japanese sailing theme that sees you trying to avoid sea monsters. Its a straight euro game and a very pure experience. There is a little more luck involved in this version as the sea monsters are random in nature. I have had tons of fun playing this with my students, who love it.

Castle Panic is a tower defence style game that sees you playing cards to defeat monsters at different distances from the castle. Again, its a euro style - there is no real dice rolls to make (other than which angle the monsters arrive from). I have 1 major recommendation with this game; get wizards tower expansion - its a MUST BUY to make the game a lot more interesting.
I LOVE Mansions of Madness. Really really love it. It has superb exploration and combat mechanics and great atmosphere. However, in typical Fantasy Flight style the base game and first expansion has really shitty scenarios. However, the second expansion totally sorts this out and changes aspects of the game that escalates this game into the realm of superb.
Its a Lovecraft Mythos game that is pure Ameri-trash in style (lots of luck based mechanics and heavy on theme). You are basically exploring an area to figure out a mystery and put an end to whatever evil is going on. 

7 wonders is a pure Euro card game that sees you building an ancient civilisation and scoring more points than your opponents. And it is sublime. Everytime I play this game I am totally amazed at how tight every aspect of this game is. Every single game comes down to the wire, every single decision you make matters. Every card influences the outcome. It is one of my all time favorites and certainly my favorite euro.

Ahhh, Cutthroat Caverns. You like your friends? Not after playing this game!
The object here us simply to land the killing blow on the monsters so you get the prestiege and not your buddies. Simple.
Its a card game with a very simple design but quite a bit of depth (more than Munchkin, a similar type of game). Oh, there are LOADS of ways to screw your mates over. Brilliant.

So, there you go; the games I am currently enjoying.

See you in the next update which, hopefully, is the oft promised Super Dungeon Explore one...

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