Monday 17 August 2015

4 adventurers walk into a tavern...

We have picked up WFRP after a 4 year (?) hiatus. We are playing v2 as that is (arguably) our favourite version (with v1 being a very close second). Greatly looking forward to getting back into WFRP again; feels like coming back home!

We are playing Lichemaster, which is a great adventure (though it is on rails) with plenty of action and interaction with memorable NPCs. And Undead are always awesome!
Consider the rest of this blog post to be *SPOILERS* if you have never played it.

Intoducing our victims... erm... adventurers!

Jurgen Baumer, Initiate of Morr. 
His father worked for Morr's church as a layperson (he was a smith) and Jurgen just found himself joining the priesthood when he turned of age. He is currently having somewhat of a crisis of faith as he is unsure if he joined because he wants to serve or because of his father. The Order of the Shroud sees potential in him and he is being watched by the Ravenguard who would like to nurture him as an Agent. To this end they have sent him to the Fruegelhorn Valley to help research burial mounds.

Jules DeCoteau, Herrimault.
From a family of farmers in rural Brettonia, they were attempting to eke out a living on the meagre land provided by the local Baron which Jules supplimented by shooting rabbits.. Last year was a pretty bad harvest and the Baron took almost all their food in taxes and Jules was forced to illegally hunt deer to feed his wife and daughter. He was caught by the Baron's men and was flogged for his efforts and their remaining food taken in recompense. That day, Jules became a Herrimault and lives outside of and fights against the unjust law. He now finds himself in the company of other outsiders earning himself some coin for keeping them alive in the mountains.

Drok'Drin the Drunk, Troll Slayer.
Originally from Karak Norn in the Grey Mountains and was a competent smith attached to the Tunnel Fighters brigade. He is now clanless and spends his days with either an axe or a bottle of cheap rotgut spirits in his hand. The events that led to him taking the slayer oath are not something he often shares but, due to the levels of alchohol consumed, have clearly deeply affected him and, when in the heat of battle or the depths of the bottle, he can be heard to mutter the name 'OllaMina' - a lost love, perhapse? Recently, he has been accompanying Heinfried on his exploits, he figures the human will get him killed at some point...

Heinfried Fiegler, Deepwatcher.
Living in a small village in the north-west Empire can be a pretty boring experience and Heinfried found himself craving some adventure. He left for Middenheim to seek his fortune and, as most young men in the City of the Wolf, the wolf chews them up and spits them into the Middenheim Deepwatch. Risking his life in the tunnels below the city for days on end for small coin was not what he had in mind. However, it turned out that Heinfried was either skilled or lucky because he survived his first year and is now a full member of the Guild of Deepwatchers. The guild has recently assigned him to work under the mountains around Helmgart to keep the trade route to Brettonia clear and it was on this job that he met Drok'Drin. The current job dried up and they now find themselves into the service of a priest of Morr making some extra coin looking for burial mounds.

I will post the first session notes sometime in the comming week, so see you in the next update!

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