Wednesday 15 January 2014

Where does he get those wonderful toys?...

Bit of a mixed bag update this time around, lots of miniatures from lots of different games. These are all from my personal collection and I doubt I will be selling them because I like them so much.

So, lets crack on with the pics:

Meet The Family. Actually, this is not quite all The Family, we are missing another son; he has a flame thrower and a gimp mask. Anyway, these are from Foundry's Street Violence range (a range I have quite a lot of) and I particularly love The Family.

Lets take a closer look at each figure.

Meet Ma. As desturbing as this miniature is, I must admit that I quite enjoyed painting it...
I was torn between painting her *shudder* knickers and boots white or black. I chose black at the time, but now I was thinking maybe white would be a little more, erm... disturbing. I love her pink babydoll nightie thing and thought (after I did it) that maybe the white would go better with the pink babydoll...

I cannot deny it; everything about this figure is totally AWESOME!
There. I said it. And I am not proud of myself...

Meet two of her sons. I really love these figures; they are very evocative of the theme. The whole Family is kind of Texas Chainsaw Massacre style...

The bases on these miniatures are not complete (they have been sculpted from modelling putty), I was waiting until I finish the gimp flamer guy first.

They look such a happy Family; not at all dysfunctional and mentally disturbed...

Anyway, on with more miniatures.
Here we have some Epic scale Deathguard Marines. I LOVE epic (when it was called Space Marine and Titan Legions), it is my favourite of the GW miniature games by far. I think it is because you feel you are actually taking part in a huge battle, as opposed to a skirmish like Warhammer and 40K.

I converted all the Nurgle Rhino tanks with modelling putty (Green Stuff) which is hard to work with at this scale.
You might be wondering on the colour scheme? Nurgle is greens and browns, surely? Well, yes. But not Deathguard; they are actually white. However, I did not like the white/cream that is usually traditionaly, so I went with a light grey instead; I just liked it (in real like, they are actually lighter then they appear here). 

Lets take a closer look at the rhinos:

This is my favorite one, the tongue turned out pretty well, I think.

Spines bursting out of the tank.

All of them have pock-marks, cuts and the Nurgle mark.

Next, lets have a look at a Malifaux figure. I will be picking up the new Malifaux plastics at some point, but I have quite a few of the metal ones from Malifaux 1.
Meet Teddy:

 I painted it (obviously) as a carebear - Nightmare Bear. Here is a close-up of his emblem; an evil moon licking a star:

I thought that this was very evocative of the theme of Teddy in Malifaux (he feeds on fear). 
I was apprehensive about painting blood on the mouth and hands; I normally shy away from blood on miniatures (I think it generally looks cliche on weapons and such). However, I could not really escape it for this miniature; if I did not do it, it would look too cute instead of a feral monster. It also contrasts nicely with the blue fur.

So, there you have it; a mix bag of miniatures.

The next update will be more Tomb Kings miniatures; Skull Catapults and the scratch built Heirotitan.

One final thing:
They taste better with the leaves still on. Fact.

See you in the next update.

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