Sunday 30 November 2014

And it burns burns burns...

 ...the ring of fire.

I loved painting these guys and put some degree of time into getting the fire the way I like it (it ended up being many layers of paint and ink in the end). I like the way they turned out, so lets take a look:

The cast; The Fireflow Denizens (missed off the spawn point from this photo... oops).

And, as always, lets take a closer look at the models:

Because I missed it off, here is the spawner. I did this (like the other spawners) with a fairly simple design - the fire around the pillar was the important bit, so I kept the rest stone.

The Gels. Hopefully, the blending comes out in the pictures once they have been uploaded to Blogger.
After painting all the fire I decided that the eyes would look best in a simple white - cartoon-like.
I love the facial expressions on all these guys, particularly the little gels.

Ember Hounds. For dogs made of flame, there were a lot of texture on these models. I followed the technique I used on the Gels to tie them all in. With the current iteration of the rules they produce lots of smoke and I considered painting the extremities of the fire (nose and tail) as smoke instead. However, I do not know if this will still be the case under Forgotten King, so I er'd on the side of caution and left them all fire.

The Blaze Beetle. I really like the posing of this model, bursting from the ground to burn everything - very menacing. I toyed with painting it black, rather than the dark red of the art, but I did not think it looked so good, to be honest; it was to stark a contrast. I like they way it turned out.
My only complaint of this model is the flat fire; would have liked it if it was a little more cylindrical (but admit, it would have been a design challenge to achieve it).

Now the bosses:

Rock Gut the stone troll. I like the way this guy turned out, but it was time consuming to highlight all the individual stones; worth it. I think the overall colours contrast well, with his mane of fire and lava body standing out from the grey stone of his hide. The loin cloth was painted brown to not distract from this contrast.

The man himself; Roxxor!
Love this model, very imposing. As with Rock Gut, the grey stone contrasts well with the fire colour. I struggled for a time with how to paint the other areas of the model and tried a few different colours. Eventually settled on the brass with the fire in the runes. I originally wanted the runes to contrast with the rest of the model and tried many colours, but they all took away from the overall effect and looked odd; the important bits are the fire and the stone, so I left the emphasis on these.

So, there you have it, all the enemies in the Caverns of Roxxor. I will post the 3 heroes soon and then the 4 expansion mini-bosses.

See you in the next update.

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