Monday 4 April 2016

Its just another day in this man's army!

Time to look at the other warband in the Forgotten King core box; the Chimera, who are led by the Forgotten King himself.

The warband are all military that have been twisted into animals; platypus, frogs and rabbits. And they look great.

First is the Bramble Knight spawn point. I painted the knight as actual armour that is covered in mold and verdigris. I think they look ok and you can tell that it is the knight armour you are meant to notice, not the brambles.

Next is the Billmen (see what they did?). I simply followed the art on these and did the armour with green tabbard colour scheme. I like their faces; menacing, yet at the same time, comical (they are platypus, afterall). I did all the armour as NMM and I think it looks pretty good; its actually not that easy to make grey look metal while still maintaining a cartoonish look. As long as it looks like armour, right?...

The Frog Knights are my favourite; frogs in plate armour riding brightly coloured birds, what's not to like?!
I really like how these turned out; the birds are nice bright vibrant colours and the frogs have some decent cartoon-NMM plate armour on (which you can see in the second shot). Great models and it shows in the painting (I think, anyway).

Grobbit Executioners are killer rabbits (where is a Holy Hand Grenade when you need one?). I followed the art mostly, painting it all purple with contrasting white rabbit fur (skin?) and maddening red eyes (like some psycho bunnines from Wartership Down). I love the theme of these models (and all the chimera, really).

Bashful Boris is no Balou; the only bear necessity he will give you is a club to the head! He is the miniboss of thie chimera warband. I like how crazed his face is and I tried to bring that out with the colour and position of the eyes. Another great model.

And last we have the Forgotten King himself, the main boss of the core box. I am not certain what type of creature he is meant to be (if any, maybe just a twisted fae). A note on the colours, the art has green OSL all over him and his back in purplish shadow; making it very hard to tell what he looks like. So I picked my own colours. I imagined him wearing a lords/wizards robe but, since his banishment, he wandered with a brown cloak pulled about him until he regained his power.
Thats how I see it, anyway...
I also modelled a bolt of power coming from his hand; could not resist considering how his hand is positioned.

And there you have the 2 core warbands. I have the kickstarter add-on warbands to post next (maybe tomorrow now).

See you in the next update.

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